
Friday 6 July 2012

my fate


currently, I'm having my short semester for my third year in IIUM. it's kinda tough because I'm taking Arabic and Varieties of English. both requires LANGUAGE. though I realize that being a BENL student, I'm obliged to get involve with LANGUAGE. speaking of LANGUAGE, my parents urge me to take Mandarin class next long semester. I mean.. it's been a long time since I speak/write/read Mandarin. but.. WHAT THE HELL. huhu.

I'm having dilemma. sometimes I feel that Allah gives me tests that beyond my capabilities. but, again, I thought, Allah loves me and He is trying to help me to become a stronger person. I accept every test that He sends down and I'll try to overcome them one by one with a lot of patience.

being a high level student is not an easy role like everyone thinks it is. especially being a student in IIUM. you have to do everything on your own. you don't wait a new semester to come with ready-to-go schedules. in here, we have to do everything. we have to deal with lots of hardship in order to obtain the knowledge. that is... also the reason why I'm still stuck in here. huhu.

it always has been my fate to be born in not really a wealthy family. we (me and my family members) have gone a lot of hardships to survive. and now, they all have to go another hardship for me to survive in IIUM. hmmm. I can't just watch them going through all these by themselves, can't I?

therefore, my only goal right now is to graduate quickly, get a promising job with promising pay, so that my family can lean their heads back, relaxing without thinking any HARDSHIP anymore :)

Saturday 10 December 2011

Hello there :)

Hi there. It's been a while now since my last posting. Seems that I had forgotten that I have a blog.  However, there's nothing much that I can share. It's been a very hectic semester, particularly this week. With the exhibition, short film, and staging those stuff. I don't feel like I'm an English undergraduates  majoring in Linguistics. I feel like I'm sort of acting student. Never thought that I would do something challenging like acting.        
people that close to me would know that I'm a scaredy-cat and shy enough to be given so many attentions. But, what else can I do. I've chosen this path. To be a Bachelor of English Language and Literature undergraduate. I'm just tired. Tired of every single person in my family is expecting me be that good, when in reality I'm not. There're so much to do, so much responsibilities and I'm afraid that if I turn out not to be like what they're been expecting, they will be disappoint of me. What I can do right now are just pray, hope and work hard. InsyaAllah :)

p/s: like old folks used to say, "Bersusah-susah dulu, bersenang-senang kemudian :)

Depress? I don't know either :')

Wednesday 29 June 2011

short semester is over!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. :p
at last, sem 3 berakhir juga setelah 2 bulan terkontang kanting di sini. huhu.
tak struggle mana pun sem ni sebab ambil Creative Thinking & Problem Solving dgn BM Kerjaya je.
i think i did fine with CCT, but BMK. errr -.-tak cukup masa kot time. geram je sebab tanya punya lah banyak soalan tapi 1 hour and a half je dia bagi. huhu
 pape pun i did my best kan. hopefully, dapat CGPA yang mengagumkan lerr. hehe.
ok di sini saja. we'll be meeting again in 2 months time, IIUM. okbye.
my niece :)

Wednesday 8 June 2011


i'm having a major problem. AKU DAH LIAT GILA NAK BANGUN PAGI!! kalau dulu, aku senang gila bangun pagi ok. memang dulu aku tak ada masalah bangun pagi untuk gi class pagi pun. tapi sekarang, MasyaAllah! kenapa liat gile ek? sebab sekarang ni short sem ke badan jadi lemak & malas? huhu. hal-hal lain aku takde lah malas mane pun. yang jdi malas tu bangun pagi. lebih2 lagi bile dah bau teddy bear aku tu melekat kat hidung aku, memang TAK lah kan aku nak bangun pagi. haha. tapi Alhamdulillah ah setakat ni baru sekali aku miss class yang lain-lain tu aku lambat datang. tihii. tu pun aku meroyan kejap bile bangun tido tengok jam aku dah terlajak. adehh. so, macam mana ni? macam mana ni? macam mana ni? takkan aku nak buang teddy bear aku tu plak. kang aku jadi burung hantu tak boleh tido malam plak. huhu. susah betol class pagi ni lah. kbye.

Saturday 4 June 2011


Mesti pelik kan kenapa titile “maturity”. Sebab aku tahu umur aku dah matured. Bukan tua okay. Kalau korang berumur 22 pun mesti korang cakap belum tua lgi kan. Actually, it's just a maturity stage. It’s in between teen & adult. Got that? Okay, sebab aku post macam ni is because ada orang cakap aku dah tua. And of course I'd say WHAT THE FUCK?? Someday, he’ll be in my age too and still says that he’s not old kan?  Honestly, memang kadang-kadang aku ni act macam budak sekolah lagi. Membe aku pun cakap muka aku cam budak sekolah. Yang paling tak bole blah punye, mamat jual ice-cream Gelato Fruity kat pavilion greeted me by saying, “hi, welcome. Keje sekolah dah siap?” and of course, deep down in my heart i said, WHAT THE FUCK??! Looking at the bright side, it sounded like a compliment. Betul tak? Hehu. Besides that, bf aku pun selalu je marah aku suke buat perangai tak padan dgn umur. What can I say dear, IT’S ALREADY IN ME. SO DEAL WITH IT. Pape pun, aku dah sakit *English cakap sick* orang kate aku tua. Plus, yang dok add aku kat facebook & twitter pun asyik budak bawah umur je. What is wrong with people who born on 1980++?? Macam bodoh je. so, what i'm gonna do is aku nak tukar appearance aku. appearance means how i look lah. meaning again aku tak nak dress up nampak macam budak-budak. aku nak pakai like an adult pulak. geez, that is going to be difficult sebab bf aku sendiri suruh aku dress up funky2. ape ni?? Okay fine, tu je aku nak membebl. Kbye.

story of a grumpy

okay, sekarang bukan nak heboh pasal bad habit aku ni. just nak share2 mana lah tahu ada sape2 yang boleh tolong aku. bad habit aku yang aku nak ubah sampai bila2 & tanak dia ada balik is BAD TEMPER. aku ni panas baran macam haram sikit. pantang ada silap sikit senang je nak naik darah. sampai orang pun takut kalau tersalah cakap sikit dgn aku ni. temper aku ni maybe ikut mak aku kot. huhu. sebab ayah aku ni penyabar gile. SAYANG AYAH & MAK. okay, back to the topic, habit aku ni dah selalu kecikkan hati orang lain. terutama 3 orang yang paling aku sayang dalam dunia which are mak aku, ayah aku, & juge boyfriend aku. lagi satu, aku ni ego sikit, susah nak ucapkan perkataan MAAF tu. so, sebelum mereka tinggalkan aku or aku meningglkan mereka buat selama-lamanye, baik aku ubah perangai aku ni & bahgiakan hidup mereka. 

so, sekarang ni aku perlukan nasihat sape2 macam mana nak jadi penyabar & buang terus rasa marah dalam diri aku ni. please please please :(

Saturday 28 May 2011

berangan itu tak salah :)

marriage? tu ke yang aku fikirkan skrang ni?
ermm, agaknye kot. coz sape yang tanak kawen kan. huhu
lebih2 lagi umur cam aku ni.
actually, agak sad coz asik dengar news pasal kawankawan yang da kawen/tunang.
bile nak turn aku ni. haha. gatal.
ermm, bukan gatal pun kan.
normal ape manusia fikir pasal kawen. lagi2 umur cam aku ni.
*bukan tua pun lagi. baru 22*
but, i'm hoping my boy tunjukkan commitment kat sku.
at least save duit untuk tunang ke. huhu.
mesti best kan kalau dah ikat, taya risau pape da.
actually, aku dah plan macam2 dah untuk wedding aku nanti.
let's just hope it comes true, okie. hee
walaupun parents aku dah bagi warning awal2 no marriage before graduating,
but dorang kena faham yang anak dara dorang ni dah besar panjang kan :)
hehe, yela sampai di sini saja.
actually, bukan tau nak post ape pun.
pls enjoy your reading :)
urghh, believe me, i really want to be in it!
nampak, agak simple sikit. tapi believe me, mahal ok.